According to the National Cancer Institute, head and neck cancers make up nearly 4% percent of all cancers in the U.S. They show up nearly two to three times more in men than women, and mainly in people over age 40. Typically, head and neck cancers are made of squamous cell cancers on the mucosal surface linings inside the mouth, tongue, nose, upper throat behind the nose, in the middle of the throat between the tonsils and upper part of the voice box, and the saliva glands. Lumps or sores that don’t heal, a persistent sore throat, having a hard time swallowing, and vocal hoarseness are all signs of head and neck cancer.
Two main culprits causing these cancers are heavy alcohol and tobacco use. Smoking puts you at risk with 85% of head and neck cancers caused by tobacco. Drinking alcohol often and in large quantities raises your risk of esophagus, larynx, mouth and pharynx cancer. Additional risk factors include processed or heavily salted diet, low vitamin A and B levels, poor oral hygiene, occupational exposure to asbestos, wood dust, and synthetic fibers, radiation exposure, and viral infection such as Epstein-Barr virus (mono) or HPV human papillomavirus (HPV).
Dr. Jason Campbell recognizes that oral and facial cancer can cause dangerous biofunctional complications in patients. To counter this, he offers courses instructing on oral and facial cancer screenings at the Advanced Prosthetics Institute. His goal is to help your patients stay healthier overall, and teach you how to diagnose and treat these cancers quickly. Your patients should be coming in twice a year for regular, preventative maintenance and oral and facial cancer screenings. This is vital because symptoms aren’t always prominent, and at least in the beginning, they are often painless.
Another course we offer involves oral disease control for chemo or radiation therapies. If you have patients undergoing chemo or radiation therapy to treat their cancer, they are at greater risk for oral health complications. One-third of patients being treated with chemo or radiation develop oral complications as one side effect. Dr. Campbell will show you how to recognize and treat these conditions so you can better help your patients manage their dental health before, during and after their cancer therapy.
Biofunctional Therapy and System Training Involves
-Preventing inflammation and ulcers in the mucous membranes lining the digestive tract
-Uncontrolled tooth decay
-Mouth sores
-Severe periodontal disease
-Tooth erosion
-Soreness in the mouth and throat
-Issues with the salivary glands
If you would like to learn more about oral and facial cancer screening and oral disease control training for chemo or radiation therapies, we invite you to give us a call at 928-776-0239 in Prescott, AZ, today!