When your patient experiences fear or anxiety, or cannot receive normal treatment for medical or other reasons, you can provide him or her with nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to provide a more relaxed and comfortable treatment. Nitrous oxide also allows dental professionals to provide service that is more effective in treating a patient’s biofunctional disorder. For more information on nitrous oxide training, please contact Advanced Prosthetics Institute at 928-776-0239.
Nitrous oxide is a popular form of conscious sedation dentistry. It is made of nitrous oxide (N2O) and oxygen (O2) to create a gaseous sedative, which is then inhaled through a tube or a breathing mask to control pain and create a pleasant effect for your patient. Nitrous oxide is odorless and takes effect within minutes. Unlike regular pain medication or other forms of conscious sedation, nitrous oxide does not have any “hangover” effects, so your patient will be able to drive home safely following his or her appointment at your office.
Nitrous oxide, like all forms of sedation dentistry, requires a special certification before you can provide it to your patients.
We invite you to contact our institute to learn more about nitrous oxide training and to register for our courses with Dr. Jason C. Campbell.